
Twins who shares everything including Facebook profile, business, bedroom and even boyfriend

Twins, Amy and Becky Glass, from Los Angeles, USA, are so close that they haven’t been apart for more than 30 minutes in last 15 years and they shares almost everything including Facebook profile, business, bedroom, and even once shared a boyfriend.


They even wears similar dresses every day, every time.

According to the report, the 46 year old twins, also measure each bite they eat and each sip they drink to keep their body shapes and weight same.

Amy said in a talk “We go bite for bite – and we warn each other when the last bite will be so we know when the other is full”.

She added “If Becky doesn’t want dessert, I won’t have it. We either talk each other into it or out of it”.


Twins who shares everything including Facebook profile, business, bedroom and even boyfriend