
Releasing Today: Madden NFL 16

In addition, one rider from each of the 32 cities will win an “Xbox One ultimate prize pack”, which comes with a new console, a copy of the game, “and more”, Uber said. You absolutely need a way to beat it consistently. “And if that wasn’t enough, each ultimate prize pack will be delivered by a NFL player from your hometown team”.


Here is the first running play that they recommend you start off with in Madden NFL 16.

Some changes have occurred in the game’s receiving system and they are quite welcomed.

Fantasy Football is a very popular activity these days and Draft Champions captures the essence of choosing your own team and then competing against your friends.

After you have that down, you can move onto a play called, “Strong Power”. Gamers are going to thoroughly enjoy everything it has to offer from the in-game experience to managing your team. Those who have the best draft possible will have an overall team score of 83. For example, the visuals are sharper and more detailed than ever, but the in-game crowds and television-style commentary are ordinary.


Uber’s announcement states, “If a vehicle is available, a free copy of Madden NFL 16 will make a hot route to your location”. Despite some design decisions I don’t love, there’s no doubt that I’ll once again be playing against my friends in fun, competitive matches for the next twelve months.

Colin Kaepernick playing Al Pacino playing a blind man.               EA  YouTube screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk  CNET