
$20000 ramp for Justin Bieber

While Bieber received half the money up front, he was supposed to get the rest of the cash two days before the event, with TMZ reporting the amount as “a couple hundred thousand dollars”.


The promoter, Team Productions, did not immediately reply to CBC News’ requests for comment.

If you’re wondering why a wooden skate ramp costs $20k…it’s because it freakin’ floats!

Justin’s insiders claimed that his team could no longer get in touch with the promoter, which made it clear that he either was not paying the balance or did not have the money to pay the star at the time.

Justin Bieber and his team were reportedly left with no option but to cancel the superstar’s pre-scheduled party hosting appearance with a brief performance at Beachclub in Pointe-Calumet, Montreal on Saturday, after the promoter allegedly reneged on a final payment of the singer’s appearance fee.

Some fans attending the event in Montreal also appeared to understand Team Bieber’s decision to cancel. The ticket prices ranged from $59 to $175.

The Beachclub for its part issued a statement on its Facebook page stressing that Justin Bieber and the club were in no way responsible for the cancellation of Saturday’s event. We would like to reassure all of our clients that tickets will be fully refunded on the spot….


Beachclub will fully refund tickets and is offering free entry to the MAJK DJ set.

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