
Hometown, church mobilize to support Plains’ Jimmy Carter

“I plan to teach Sunday school this Sunday and every Sunday as long as I’m able”, Carter said. Carter regularly gives the lessons and has been teaching classes since his teens. This week’s lesson was about love, and Carter “taught on a subject that exemplifies who he is – loving your neighbor as yourself”, Shoulta said.


Carter has had radiation treatment and began a drug regimen for his brain cancer.

“Within the bounds of my physical and mental capability I’ll continue to do it”, Carter said.

“I’m a conservative, but his values from the day he was born until now make him a wonderful person”, CNN quoted Knierim as saying.

Speaking before the Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia, on Sunday, Carter touched on the theme of love and called it “the most important aspect of Christianity”, News Max reported.

The former president was relentlessly upbeat Thursday, making jokes and flashing his wide smile during a detailed, 45-minute news conference about his melanoma diagnosis and treatment.

His family lives in a house built in 1961.

As Jimmy Carter faces cancer, numerous people who were influenced by this gracious, thoughtful man are brought to sadness.

Carter announced he has advanced melanoma on August 20.

The church, located in Plains, Ga., is Carter’s home church.

“We ask for your continued prayers for President Carter and for Mrs. Carter as she walks alongside him”, the message continued.

Just three days after opening up about cancer spreading to his brain, the 90-year-old former president taught Sunday School in his hometown to a group totaling more than 700 people, according to the AP. During Carter’s tenure as the President in 1976, Plains was promoted as a tourist destination.

The one-block business district specializes in Carter political memorabilia and peanut souvenirs. People lined up as early as midnight hoping to witness the former president preach. Visitors stop by after touring dozens of properties associated with the Nobel Peace Prize victor. Now in support of Carter’s crusade against cancer, the residents of plains took up a tree plantation drive.

Gurley said hearing Carter’s take on the gospel is one of those things she’d always meant to do but had never done.


They said they would be satisfied with just a glimpse of the President Carter. Whether one likes Carter or not, a little compassion and class would have been nice. After a rousting defeat by Ronald Reagan, Carter returned to Georgia, slowly regrouped and founded the Carter Center, dedicated to allieviating the deprivations of poverty and fostering world peace.

Jimmy Carter Teaches Bible Classes 3 Days After Cancer Radiation Treatment