
New poll shows Clinton holds strong lead in Iowa

“Increasingly what media sees campaigns being are soap operas and football games, rather than a serious discussion about the serious issues facing America”.


To those who are familiar with his political career, however, Sanders would seem to be the last person in the presidential race who would need to justify his civil rights credentials.

“These are people in the West Wing, top people in Obama’s two campaigns, who are saying they are concerned about what is going on”, Dovere said.

The unease was on full display Sunday, with California Gov. Jerry Brown, himself a former White House hopeful whose name has been floated more than once to enter the 2016 race, said he wasn’t sure if Clinton would be the party’s standard-bearer.

The past week was full of reminders of her advantage here.

As Sanders spoke around the state, Clinton campaign surrogate James Carville was slated to with local Democrats before officially launching her campaign effort here. “Media should give him more time because he is coming up in the polls to where he is nearly passing, if not passing Hillary Clinton”.

The survey of 500 likely Democratic caucus-goers in the Hawkeye State, taken Thursday through Monday, underscores the strength of Clinton’s support and the challenge Biden would face in the nation’s opening presidential contest. “If Joe comes in, that is what I will do”, Sanders said.

“She’s practical, she’s innovative, she’s progressive, and she gets things done”. Can he reach African-American voters? “The Sanders campaign is playing more for the primary than the general”.

“He’s for getting the money out of politics”, said Matt Thomas, 24, a college student.

He isn’t leaning on his standard stump speech alone. The rally, held in North Charleston, South Carolina focused on the fact that the Senator believes there is absolutely still racism in the world and in the United States. Although such activists made headlines this month for interrupting Sanders’ campaign events elsewhere, they did not shout him down during his South Carolina appearance.

Late Saturday, he visited Charleston, where African-American Walter Scott was killed in a high-profile police shooting earlier this year.

After New Hampshire comes South Carolina, where as of now, at least, Clinton is showing overwhelming popularity.

More than 3,000 people filled a convention center in North Charleston for the rally, which was postponed after the murders of nine people at a historically black church in June.

Howard Dean, the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said Clinton’s responses to the controversy had been too “lawyerly”.

As governor this election cycle, Ms. Hassan could hold an even more crucial endorsement for Mrs. Clinton. Evidently, Sanders appeased the group by adopting a racial justice platform and using his stop in the South to court Black voters. They want an opportunity for a better future. He’s also hired a Black woman, Symone Sanders, to be his press secretary.


I don’t think anyone has been anointed”, she said in response to a question on whether it was a mistake for Democrats to “anoint” Clinton as the nominee.

Sanders spoke in Greenville on Friday