
Pregnant teenager dies after being buried alive

They found that the glass viewing window had been smashed and the tips of the girl’s fingers were bruised.


But despite efforts to revive her medics found no signs of life and she was later returned to the cemetery and reburied in the same mausoleum.

According to reports, Perez, who was three months pregnant, got up to use the toilet at night and fell unconscious.

Doctors believe that Ms Perez could have suffered a severe panic attack, which may have temporarily stopped her heart and led to the incorrect diagnosis that she was dead.

After she began to foam at the mouth her deeply religious parents called in a local priest, believing her to be possessed by an evil spirit.

Perez’s mother now believes her daughter was buried alive, blaming doctors for rushing to declare her dead.

Perez’s husband Rudy Gonzales is now claiming he was visiting her grave at the local cemetery when he heard the banging and muffled screams from inside the concrete tomb.

Gozales told TV news Primer Impacto: “I was heartbroken because my sweetheart had been taken so suddenly from me”.

In the footage, family members can be seen smashing through the tomb in a bid to free 16-year-old Neysi Perez – after her voice was allegedly heard from within.

A pregnant teenager was smashed out of her concrete tomb after seemingly screaming for help and clawing at her coffin, but could not be resuscitated.

“Everybody was claiming she was alive so I went through all the necessary procedures”, Dr. Claudia Lopez told Primer. “I thought I was going to get my daughter back”.

He raised the alarm and family members broke the tomb with a sledgehammer.

Perez was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital and escorted inside of her coffin. Medics again pronounced her dead.

“Once we had taken her out of the tomb I put my hand on her body”. It could have also been a cataplexy attack which made her temporary lose voluntary muscle function.

“The doctors declared her dead but everybody else around me kept telling me she wasn’t”.


It is believed she had regained consciousness after being buried alive but later suffocated in the coffin. “It looked like she had tried desperately to get out of the casket and hurt herself”.

Shocking footage shows grieving family members trying to 'smash open' tomb