
Jeb Bush donors reach out to Kasich-supporting super PAC

Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Scott Walker, considered to be GOP establishment favorites, have been falling behind, according to numbers in a Fox News poll conducted between August 11 to 13. As a defendant, Kasich argued to prevent Obergefell from being recorded as the surviving spouse on John Arthur’s death certificate as he deteriorated from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).


Kasich, who said that he was “very disappointed” after the Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage in June, announced his presidential run approximately two weeks before the first official GOP debate in August.

“Despite all the noise and drama, education is still mostly a state and local issue”, he said.

And on amnesty for illegal aliens and the impact of immigration, both legal and illegal, the positions of Bush and Kasich (and Hillary Clinton) are indistinguishable.

Ohio has roughly 212,000 licensed teachers, not including non-licensed aides, bus drivers, secretaries, maintenance staff and the host of others who make their living in and around the classroom. He has also dropped to third in socially conservative Iowa, supposedly his ideal demographic.

“Ohio is important, but if Gov. John Kasich is going to be a serious candidate for the Republican nomination he must broaden his appeal”, said Peter A. Brown, the poll’s assistant director.

Rubio offered later, “Three times in the last four elections, the American people voted for change… and nothing changed”. That’s a mistake. The urge to eliminate fora for democratic exchange among teachers – and to reduce their collective bargaining power – is a worrisome dream in a presidential candidate, even if he knows he will not be able to quite realize it once in the Oval Office. So-called opposition research is a staple of most campaigns, but it is telling that Kasich is now under the Bush team’s microscope. Kasich’s expansion of Medicaid was the first thing that earned the ire of conservatives, said Tom Zawistowski, a tea party leader from Portage County. “We are here today because we’re bankrupting our kids and grandkids, because our constitutional rights are under assault from Washington each and every day and because America has receded from leadership in the world”. This time around, he’s ready.

Nonetheless, teachers criticized the largely anti-union rhetoric that came out of Wednesday’s summit.

Kasich went on to tell Iffil that apprehending illegal aliens “is not what America is all about” and compare the identity theft, Social Security fraud and other crimes that attend illegal border crossing and working in the United States to “ditching the line” at a Taylor Swift concert.



He also appointed Mike Gonidakis, president of Ohio Right to Life, as a consumer member on the 12-man state medical board in 2012. “I’ve got tire marks on my forehead”.

Former Sen. Trent Lott endorses Kasich