
Oklahoma Teacher Shortage Hitting Schools Hard

Many parents are now engaging their children in learning activities during the summer. You want nothing more than the ideal first-year-of-school experience. Despite a feeling from some parents that their perspective is unwelcome, he notes “we’re on the same side”. “You want to get that parent contact into it so it is one big family; so it works out for that student”.


■ Know who your child’s friends are. This recent news has left the parents angry.

“The biggest thing is extending the relationship from home to school with their parents”, said Baker. The random “inspections” of schools seem to be politically motivated and intended to intimidate school officials.

Lake Merritt in Oakland, near a publicly owned parcel where the Oakland Unified School… Preschool is supposed to be fun, and more importantly, it’s supposed to teach your child how to socialize. “Hard-working teachers and the working poor can’t be expected to fill the gap alone”. Smaller classes would help alleviate at least a few of the problems educators must face daily. If they are caught using phones in the hallway or class, they are confiscated. I wonder how many schools could have been built with the money and manpower wasted on these raids.

Communities In Schools, which uses trained site coordinators to bring resources into schools for low-income students, is encouraging communities to support local school supply drives across the country to help provide school supplies for students and classrooms. The state has been quietly investigating the district for months, and it should insist with a new school year starting that Pinellas fully comply with the law and not work around it in ways that are not in the best interests of students.

Tom Bennett (@tombennett71), Joe Bower, Susan Bowles, Lisa Currie, Vicki Davis, Todd Finley, Pauline Hawkins, Craig Kemp, Karen Lirenman, Adam Steiner, Silvia Tolisano (@langwitches) and Richard Wells are The Global Search for Education 2014 Top 12 Global Teacher Bloggers. I’m not particular to the brand (although I do enjoy the scented markers), but I go with what’s most cost effective.

An effort to raise the cap on how much retired teachers can make when returning to the classroom is still making its way through the legislative process. It is easy to understand how frustrated good teachers can become when they know they could do their jobs better if they only had the proper background, as well as equipment, in the classrooms.

It is unfortunate that most teachers are caught up in a bureaucratic and political nightmare. Let’s completely reorient the national narrative about the teaching profession. One has to ask why the dershanes sprung up in the first place. Why are students finding it necessary to turn to outside sources to be able to pass the required exams? Booth said Clark County School District teachers should receive their reimbursements this semester. We recommend that urban districts like Boston that serve large numbers of students of color examine their student populations more closely. Everyone should have the same opportunities available to those who can afford expensive private schools or after-class dershanes.

In tests at the end of the period, the students studying with the Chinese method achieved marks approximately 10% higher in math and science compared with the rest of their group, who continued to be taught by their regular teachers in the English manner. Until the education system is overhauled and updated, there will be a need for the dershanes.

Sadly, I doubt if any improvements will be made in the near future in the education system in Turkey.

The Oklahoma State School Board Association is concerned about the state’s teacher shortage.


In the three-part series, five Chinese teachers educated 50 students for four weeks at Bohunt School in Hampshire, southern England. But each co-teacher must be “responsible for planning, delivering and evaluating instruction for all students in the class”.

An Open Letter to Mr. Nayeem Akhtar