
Russell Wilson Claims ‘Recovery Water’ Cured Head Injury

Wilson told the magazine that he ingested some of the miracle water after he took a hit to the head during the Seahawks’ playoff game against the Packers.


Recovery Water cites studies conducted by the University of Florida and Seattle Sports Medicine that found that those who drink Recovery Water two-to-three times per day “experienced less muscle damage and 20% decrease in muscle fatigue”.

“Another venture is slightly less altruistic. He mentions a teammate whose knee healed miraculously…”

But whoa there, Russell.

Among the more interesting tidbits that the piece covered was Wilson’s investment in Reliant Recovery Water which sells water that is filled with “nanobubbles and electrolytes that purportedly helps people recover quickly from workouts and, according to Wilson, injury”.

Following the play, some assumed that Wilson was done for the rest of the game and expected to see him heading back into the locker room early but he instead emerged back onto the field and not only finished out the game by leading his team to an overtime victory.

Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson attributes his quick recovery from a possible concussion to a special healing water he imbibes.

In the RS story, Wilson’s agent Mark Rodgers is quoted as interjecting: “Well, we’re not saying we have real medical proof”. He speaks with an evangelist’s zeal.

“I know it works”, Wilson continued.

And that’s become a theme with Wilson lately, and depending on your belief structure you’re going to be inclined to either assume he’s verging on insane or that he’s got genuine conviction in his beliefs that can not be swayed.

We’ve been in touch with Reliant Recovery Water to discuss the science behind their drink.


Many people were already suspicious about Wilson after he declared he is practicing abstinence, so these claims about Recovery Water have done nothing to help the perceptions that he is a huckster.

Russell Wilson says sports drink helped with hit to head