
We don’t need state dinners for China, let’s get to work

After re-iterating that the US should decouple itself from China, Trump was asked how he would handle the visit of China’s President Xi Jinping.


Xi Jinping is due to pay a state visit to the United States in September at the invitation of President Barack Obama.

In an look Monday night on the “The O’Reilly Issue”, the presidential candidate and sayer of issues about China criticized the Obama administration for its plans to carry a state dinner when the Chinese language president visits Washington subsequent month.

Tensions between the U.S. and China over cybersecurity have increased following a massive hack of the Office of Personnel Management this spring. “You know, we’ll give him a steak dinner and what he’s done is sucked all of our jobs and he’s sucked the money right out of our country”, Trump said.

“I would not be throwing him a dinner”, Trump told O’Reilly.

“Their leaders are intelligent”.

Though China has denied involvement, US investigators looking into the computer break-in uncovered “markings”, or digital signatures, left by the hackers that indicate it was likely an official Chinese government operation, experts said earlier this year. Do you think that we sell to China without a tariff?

In an interview with The New York Times, Trump said that investors are “better off holding” their stocks.

“Americans are struggling to cope with the fall in today’s markets driven in part by China’s slowing economy and the fact that they actively manipulate their economy“, Walker said. With its currency move, China has complicated the path for a US-led trade zone in its backyard that would cover 40 per cent of global economic output and could, by virtue of size, complicate Beijing’s regional ambitions.

Republican Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin has also called for the cancellation of Xi Jinping’s state visit.

This is a lesson China seems to be learning as government efforts to prop up the rigged stock markets of Shanghai and Shenzen fail repeatedly.


When the manic behavior ends, investors will realize that China’s economy is much more dependent on the United States than the other way around.

File- Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker