
A woman sleeps and eats next to her dead mother for last three years

A 28 year old woman was seen few days ago sleeping and eating next to her mother’s corpse and this all she was doing since last three years,


This everything was hidden and nobody was knowing about this, but it all became open when a caretaker went there to investigate a leak coming from the apartment on Monday afternoon but he rather spotted the woman doing her unusual activities and then alerted the authorities.

After some investigation, it was revealed that the lady, Chava Stirn, had never been out of the house when her mother was alive and after her death she found this unusual method to be with her again to end her loneliness.

Police has launched an investigation to find the reason behind her mother’s death, while Stirn has been taken to Maimonides Medical Center for psychological tests.


A woman sleeps and eats next to her dead mother for last three years