
Unemployed man won almost $4,000 after betting on Brazil-Germany match

It was a lucky day for the man who played a bet on Germany that the team will defeat the Brazil with 7-1.


The jobless chef, John Moore, 28, from Woodford, decided to play a bet on the football semifinal match which was played between Brazil and Germany.

He explained that he was seeing the number 17 throughout the day, so he decided to bet on the match and luckily this guess filled his pocket with money.

He said “It was a bit of a mad one. You could call it a premonition or a sign. I was just seeing 17 everywhere. I looked at the clock and it was 17:17”.

He added “I also thought that Mertersacker and Gustavo had number 17 on their backs, so I had a fiver and I thought I’d have Germany 7-1”.

Now he is planning to do some street food business with these money for livelihood.


Unemployed man won almost $4,000 after betting on Brazil-Germany match