
Thief was ordered to stand outside the store from where she stolen goods with a sign board admitting her crime

A thief was ordered to stand with a sign board admitting her guilt, just outside the shop from where she had stolen goods.


The woman, Tia Grisett, was seen standing outside the supermarket holding a board which says “I stole form a Local Merchant”.

According to the report, this woman was accused of stealing some air purifiers from the Wal-Mart. And when she got arrested she was ordered to do this as punishment.

But not everyone thought Grisett was taking it seriously after she appeared to be using a mobile phone during her punishment.

‘That is nothing. All she is doing is texting her friends and telling them she is going to be on TV. Did she have to pay any money? No,’ wrote Facebook user Maryjane Johnson.

She was also given an 18-month probation order despite from this road punishment.


Thief was ordered to stand outside the store from where she stolen goods with a sign board admitting her crime