
Carson steals Trump’s thunder, ties for first in Iowa

Each has the backing of 23 percent of likely Iowa GOP caucus goers.


Furthermore, supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump are even more likely to be for deportation of illegal immigrants.

Notwithstanding Carson’s surge, there’s no compelling reason for Trump to attack the good Doctor at this early juncture; indeed doing so might prove counterproductive. But Carson is a different kind of candidate, and Trump hasn’t yet turned to criticizing the doctor-not directly at least.

“These results mark a significant shake-up in the leaderboard from Monmouth’s Iowa poll taken before the first debate“, Murray said. Another 42% have a strong preference now but are willing to consider other candidates.

Only 12 percent of respondents said they won’t be changing their mind as to who they will support in January’s caucuses.

The polls also say there’s been an erosion of support for Sen.

Those numbers represent a 10 point jump for Trump since July and a 15 point increase for Carson.

Almost two-thirds of voters in the poll said they think the country needs someone outside government who can bring a new approach to Washington, compared to 23 percent who said the next president should have government experience and knows how to get things done. The combined support in Iowa for these three outsider candidates – Trump, Carson and Fiorina – is 56 percent, but Carson and Fiorina are far less blustery and less inclined to lob one-liners and insults than Trump.

Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon from Detroit, tied Trump in poll results released by Monmouth University this week. Trump’s favorability is 52-33.

Scott Walker, at 7%; former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, at 5%; Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Florida Sen.

Following the two non-politician candidates are Carly Fiorina with 10%, Ted Cruz with 9%, and Scott Walker with 7%. And, significantly, when first and second choices are added together Carson and Trump are tied at 32 percent. “As nice as he is, Dr. Carson is very competitive and believes he can win“, a Carson campaign strategist tells the Hill.


Trump’s opposition to the birthright citizenship guaranteed by the Constitution’s 14th Amendment – part of his hardline stance on immigration – appears to be playing well.

Carson wins local straw poll