
McArthur|Talking To Your Young Kids About Alcohol

Furthermore, it seems that it is between the ages of 9 and 13 that kids start forming a very positive impression about alcohol and therefore, it is crucial that parents intervene at this particular time, while there still is something that could be fixed.


In addition, almost two-thirds of high school students reported binge drinking on more than one occasion in the past 30 days, they wrote in Pediatrics. However though binge consuming in adults refers to 5 or extra alcoholic drinks for males, and 4 or extra for ladies over a 2-hour interval, the cutoffs are decrease for teenagers as a result of folks that age weigh much less, the authors of the report stated.

Parents who delay the conversation too long may also put their child at risk for other ill effects associated with over-consumption, such as nausea, vomiting and depression.

In the United States, alcohol is the substance most commonly abused by kids and adolescents.

Parents need to be prepared to talk frankly with their kids about alcohol at a very early age, like elementary school, said Marcia Lee Taylor, president and CEO of the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. Published online August. 31 in the journal Pediatrics, the report noted that because many children begin drinking at a young age, it is critical that they be made aware of the risks before they take their first sip. It’s before they’re even 10 years old.

The group adds that parents should talk with kids about how to decline a drink, and tell them that they will always pick them up if they ever need to leave a party where alcohol is present. Among those 12 to 14 who’ve drank, 50% are considered heavy drinkers-though one survey suggests the actual number of binge drinkers that age is quite low at 0.8%.

“During office visits, because alcohol use is so common, it is important for pediatricians to screen every adolescent for alcohol use”, the study’s authors wrote. Drinking also can lead to risky decisions like having unprotected sex. Eighty % of youngsters say that their mother and father are the most important affect on their determination to drink, in line with the report. Alcohol use has been linked to auto accidents, homicides and suicides, which are the leading causes of death and serious injury among adolescents.


Jones said as soon as your child starts asking questions or even if they simply hint at something they may be curious about, don’t ignore those signs. “When you see it in a film, speak to your youngsters about it then”, she stated. This way, kids can feel like they’re in a judgement-free environment, she said.

Pediatricians recommend talking to kids about alcohol at age 9