
Four year old twins miraculously escaped any serious injuries after brutal car crash

It was a lucky day for the family, as they successfully escaped any serious injury after a brutal car crash, somewhere in Russia.


According to the report, there were four people in the car including twins’ kids and mother, Yulia Krapova, was driving.

She turned her car to the left, unknowing what was coming from the other side.

Her car met with a brutal accident with another car which was coming straight to them.

Reports says that the accident was so brutal that her kids and husband got thrown of the car out due to the stroke.

However, no one got any serious injuries in the whole scene.

Police later explained that, after the accident, rather than asking about her family, she said to officers “What is going to happen to me because of this? Will I go to jail”?

A police officer said ‘It shows what was most important to her at time. It was not the reply that officers had expected.’


Four year old twins miraculously escaped any serious injuries after brutal car crash