
Jimmy Kimmel took a swipe at game streaming and it hilariously backfired

A sizeable chunk of netizens, especially the elderly, can’t simply fathom why someone would spend a big chunk of his time watching someone else play a video game rather than play it himself or herself.


Jimmy Kimmel just invoked the wrath of millions of YouTube and gaming fans around the world. “I love making people mad; after pizza, it’s probably my favorite thing”, he said. “To me, watching another person play video games is like going to a restaurant and having someone eat your food for you”, Kimmel joked.

Kimmel put up a skit on Friday about YouTube’s new gaming channel.

Comedian Jimmy Kimmel drew the collective ire of gamers and YouTubers last week when he spoofed the launch of YouTube Gaming, a new platform for video game streamers.

It’s easy to dismiss that as the typical scourge of Internet comments, but Kimmel pointed out in his follow-up clip that this was his most disliked clip to date.

Kimmel sifted through the comment section and highlighted some of the worst on Monday’s episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live! For the life of him, Kimmel doesn’t seem to understand the popularity of Let’s Play videos, which can garner millions of views on YouTube. Some people believe this has resulted in the degradation of the “gamer” identity; others might call it a positive and useful expansion of the “gamer” identity; reactions among game enthusiasts about this whole kit n’ kaboodle have varied wildly; this issue has been an undercurrent in gaming culture for upwards of a decade now.


One famous YouTuber in particular didn’t take kindly to Kimmel’s response video. But who could blame him? “I do it every Sunday, I know it is dumb”. The gaming community is not a force to be reckoned with. And I gave up on that years ago.

ABCJimmy Kimmel is an affable enough guy charismatic funny relatively upbeat. Yet he's getting death threats from an surprising crowd gamers