
Md. West Nile Virus Cases in 2015 more than Double Last Year’s

The latest case comes out of Jefferson County. Symptoms of severe WNV infection include headache, high fever, stiff neck, and/or tremors and muscle weakness.


Tennessee- there are also confirmed reports that the virus has been found in mosquitoes in six areas in Knox County, of West Knoxville – near West Hills, and near Parkside Drive. DPH says West Nile can be serious or even fatal in a worst-case scenario. “The positive bird means that residents of Oconto County need to be more vigilant in their personal protective measures to prevent mosquito bites”, said county health officer Debra Konitzer.

And their hazard of spreading the potentially deadly virus will last, public health officials said, until cold weather downs the blood-suckers for the season.

Fogging typically takes place in the early-morning hours because that is the time of day when “beneficial insects, such as bees and butterflies, are inactive”, according to the website Because the virus can be transmitted to humans from a mosquito bite, residents are urged to apply insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or IR 3535; keep windows and doors closed; and drain any standing water around the exterior of their homes.

Earlier in August, the man was hospitalized with symptoms of encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain that can be caused by viral or bacterial infections.

Contact robin brown at (302) 324-2856 or [email protected].

The Washoe County Health District Vector Borne Disease Prevention Program will be conducting fogging in areas where know mosquito activity is present, and helicopter larviciding is scheduled for Thursday, September 3. Milford Office (downstate) – 302-422-1512, for Kent County south of Dover, and all of Sussex County.

For more information on DNREC Mosquito Control, call (302) 739-9917 or visit The department also may be called toll-free from anywhere in the state at (800) 282-8685.

According to the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, this year is a much better year in terms of cases of West Nile.

-Be especially cautious during dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active. DEET should not be used on children younger than 2 months.


-Turn over wheelbarrows, wading pools, boats and canoes when not in use.

First death reported from West Nile virus