
Smuggler arrested with 80 plastic bags full of money in his stomach

A smuggler was arrested by officials at Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay with 80 plastic bags full of money (cashing a total of $103,500) which he swallowed for making a clean gateway.


According to the report, Eddy Alberio Mancipe Oretga, 41, was arrested by the officials for trying to smuggle money to Trinidad.

For his crime, the court ordered him to live before bars for three months in in prison in Jamaica.

In a talk with Financial Investigation Division Chief Justine Felice, said “This is the first instance that we have found cash being smuggled from Jamaica in such a fashion”.

He added “Jamaica will now start checking up each passenger before leaving the country”.


Smuggler arrested with 80 plastic bags full of money in his stomach