
Mum arrested for drowning twin sons, trying to drown third child

Arizona mother, Mireya Lopez, 22, has admitted to police that she drowned her 2-year-old twin boys on August 30. Mireya Lopez is being charged with two counts of homicide for the drowning death of the twin boys, as well as one count of attempted homicide for attempting to drown the third child.


First responders tried to resuscitate the youngsters before they were taken to separate hospitals in a critical condition.

“She was very open and honest with our investigators that she did it”, said Sergeant Brandon Busse, an Avondale, Arizona, police spokesman.

A neighborhood Phoenix mom was remaining held on murder accusations Monday after revealing to law enforcement she deliberately drowned her twins, 2-year-old sons in a bath, government bodies stated.

The twins’ dad, Sam Anita, informed KTVK Television he had combined custody of the sons.

The young mother also allegedly tried to kill a third child before she was stopped by a family member, police said. It is not clear what happened before the kids were found and their grandmother called.

Police also said she stuck a pen in the neck of one of her sons to ensure that he would die. She by no means had been violent or threatening, he advised the station.

Police are investigating the incident at this Avondale home.

Around lunch time on Sunday, emergency crews were dispatched to the residence. Neighbors told the Republic the home where the drownings took place is located in a quiet section of town. He described them as associates whom he’d assist fix their aquarium, and whose youngsters he’d give toys and ice cream.

“Those people are lovely”, he told the newspaper.

Others who were not acquainted with the family expressed how surprised they were to hear about the deaths.

Another neighbour said: “It’s bad”.


“I’ll be sending prayers for the family”, she said.

Arizona Mom Arrested Drowning Twin Sons