
Couple arrested for running a drug business from Travelodge room

A couple was arrested few days ago from the Travelodge Hotel room for running a drug business from the there.


According to the report, the police became suspicious on the couple after watching them entering and exiting the hotel for many times continuously.

But they didn’t think that the couple were engaged in ‘drug offences’.

And this became clear when police raided on their hotel room, where they found drugs with a street value of approx. $2k.

The couple, Jack Hill and Rebecca Thrasyvoulou, both 20, were summoned before the Worcester Crown Court, where the prosecutor said that Rebecca was initially unaware of the drug deals but soon she involved with her partner in the business.

However, after studying everything, Judge Michael Cullum, pronounced them prison sentence.

Hill was given three years and four months while Thrasyvoulou was given one year and eight months.


Couple arrested for running a drug business from Travelodge room