
Gallup Bares Hillary’s Sinking Poll Numbers

Former Gov. Ed Rendell told the New York Times that Hillary Clinton’s campaign has been “incredibly tone-deaf” on the email issue.


A progressive Democrat was likely to jump into the race regardless of what Clinton said or did.

And you have to wonder if the party leaders can continue to maintain their hectic schedules on a campaign trail that won’t end until we go to the polls on October 19.

When White House controversies dogged Clinton as first lady, the independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr made her sympathetic with his Javert-like investigations.

“Loose talk, threats, insults – they have consequences”, she said. “So I’m going to conduct myself as I believe is appropriate for someone seeking the highest office in our country“.

Clinton’s main rival for the Democratic nomination, Sen.

However Trump does not assume Bush’s gamble with the advert will succeed, as “to date, everyone that is attacked me has gone down”.

“What certain candidates like Trump are trying to do is to say to Americans, ‘We have problems”.

Using one’s adversaries’ words against them is nothing newBush is doing it to Trump in a new video. “It’s all the immigrants, ‘” Sanders said in Iowa.

Richardson: I predict Clinton will narrowly beat Sanders in Iowa because of her superior organization in a caucus setting. And I certainly have said that.

“Unfortunately, too many suffering from addiction do not have the access they need to support programs, so we must come together to focus on education, treatment and rehabilitation. And it was fully above board”, Clinton said.

“There are answers to all these questions”.

To help prove its case against Lance Armstrong, the federal government is seeking information from Nike that shows the company wouldn’t have sponsored him if it knew he was using performance-enhancing drugs.

“Right now, I support Hillary Clinton 100 percent“, said Betras, who’s never met the Democratic presidential frontrunner. The Post found 45% approved while 53% disapproved. He has to make a really hard decision.

On Thursday, he said he still supports her “wholeheartedly”.

However, it’s important to note that Biden, who is viewed affectionately by many Americans, is not a declared candidate, and his numbers could change dramatically if he starts to be seen by partisans on both sides as a threat to their favored candidates.

“When Hillary Clinton says she’ll tackle an issue, she follows through”.


Despite the fact that voters appear to like Trump slightly better, in a theoretical head-to-head election match-up, Clinton actually edges the real estate billionaire 46 percent to 44 percent. When Clinton showed flaws during her 2000 Senate race, Rudy Giuliani and Rick Lazio looked even worse to many New Yorkers. After four months of campaigning, though, just 13 percent of Republicans now give Clinton positive marks – a drop Biden could also suffer if he joins the presidential fray.

Craig Lassig  REUTERS