
A 2nd covert video targets Planned Parenthood on fetal parts

For example: Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the Planned Parenthood representative filmed in the video, stated ten times in the uncut footage that her company would not sell fetal tissue, but the Center for Medical Progress conveniently edited out all ten of these from the final video, which went viral. “I want a Lamborghini”.


Critics of the abortion provider argue that the videos prove the organization is selling fetal parts for profit, while others argue that the executives shown in the videos are simply discussing the expenses that accompany the removal and processing of the fetal tissue, including transportation and preservation costs.

Planned Parenthood wrote that Daleiden launched Biomax three years ago, even setting up exhibits at Planned Parenthood conferences.

Patti Skain, the head of Missouri Right to Life, said her group will reserve judgement on the quality and scope of Koster’s investigation. “We do not participate in medical research”.

In response to an investigation by Republicans on a House committee, Planned Parenthood lawyer has stated in the five-page letter that abortion opponents had harassed them and infiltrated its clinics for years. Nucatola was secretly recorded and what she said during the video has led to serious arguments about both the video’s validity and Planned Parenthood’s actions. “Your sole concern has to be the mother and her health”. Officials said money was discussed in relation to transportation costs for donating organs.

Tell me what you really want?

The latest undercover video (see below) features Dr. Mary Gatter, a medical director for a California abortion clinic in Pasadena. Dear Reader, our hearts are deeply grieved by the ongoing devastation in Iraq, and through this we have been compelled to take a stand at the gates of hell against the enemy who came to kill and destroy. In the video, one of our staff members speaks in a way that does not reflect that compassion. Because of the volume of reader comments, we cannot review individual moderation decisions with readers.

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback has also called for state inspections of Planned Parenthood and facilities that provide abortions in Kansas to determine whether any improper transactions involving fetal tissue have been made.

“GOP leaders, including most of the ’16 field, are tripping over themselves to attack PP because they think that’s how to win elections”, Richards tweeted last week.

The former Hewlett-Packard CEO accuses Planned Parenthood of “hypocrisy” and “cruelty” in its treatment of women and unborn children, calling the recordings of the organization’s top officials touting the sale of fetal tissue a “terrible moment” for the country. That’s ironic because Planned Parenthood’s warning line to candidates is “Women are watching”.


“(The Center for Medical Progress) likely has “thousands of hours of videotape” that it will ‘deceptively edit into short video clips to release for many months, ‘” said Roger Evans, a Planned Parenthood attorney, according to The Huffington Post.

Do New Orleans Politicians Still Stand With Planned Parenthood