
A 900 pound alligator takes a stroll through a Texas parking lot

Kroboth said she is licensed with the state end got the call from Sugar Land police early Saturday morning.


An alligator dubbed “Godzilla” and tipping the scales at more than 360 kilograms is being taken to a gator reserve to live out its days, after being found wandering outside a Houston-area shopping centre. Officials say that a 12-foot, 800-pound alligator was plodding its way across the shopping center’s parking lot, heading straight for a hair salon before employees saw it. She said the animal is probably 50 years old, based on its size. “I couldn’t get my hands to fit around his mouth”, Kroboth said. The woman who captured the gator tells us it is headed to an animal sanctuary in El Campo today.

“I try to be sweet to these guys, He wasn’t too sweet to me but I’ll forgive him for that”, Christy Kroboth explained.

“We tried to do a front catch with him where you hold jaws and get him taped”. The 50-year-old gator waiting for Kroboth weighed almost 1,000 pounds and measured at 13-feet – with part of its tail missing. The alligator is so big they nick-named it Godzilla.


The alligator is so large that it required a forklift to capture him and put him in a truck.

Huge alligator visits shopping mall in Texas story image