
A Beyhive Member May Have Hacked Rachel Roy’s Email and Phone Accounts

As you may recall, after Lemonade dropped, the fashion designer became the target of intense speculation that she was Jay Z’s former mistress (AKA Becky with the good hair).


Recently, Roy released a statement denying any connection to being the “Becky” Beyoncé referenced as rap star husband Jay Z’s romantic interest off her “Sorry” song.

Looks like some members of Beyonce’s Beyhive may be in trouble with the law. Well, not long after the album release, Miz Roy contacted the police to reveal she had been hacked!

At the time, she made a statement denying the theory that she is “Becky”.

There were many suspects about who this Becky character may be, but Rachel Roy incriminated herself with an Instagram picture of her and a friend laughing captioned, “Good hair don’t care, but we will take good lighting, for selfies, or self truths, always. live in the light”.

According to docs, obtained by TMZ, Rachel called cops a few days later saying her Gmail and iCloud accounts had been hacked. And now, TMZ reports that rabid Beyoncé fans may have responded by hacking Roy.

The fallout from the accusations hasn’t just affected Roy either; she says her daughters have also been subjected to online abuse.


“I would hope that the media sees the real issue here – the issue of cyber bullying – and how it should not be tolerated by anyone”.

Was Rachel Roy Attacked by the Bey Hive ?    You in danger girl