
A Chipper Goodbye: British Prime Minister Hums After Announcing Resignation

They were in the gallery for his final PMQs, where he received a standing ovation and waved to them in the gallery, and they were there again as he gave his final speech outside 10 Downing Street.


Mr Cameron announced he would resign on June 24, in the wake of Britain’s decision to leave the European Union.

Even Jeremy Corbyn softened and thanked Mr Cameron’s mum for “her advice on ties and suits and songs” during the course of the questions.

He praised the “national treasure” of the NHS and the strengthening of Britain’s defences.

He said: “Sadly I can’t take Larry with me and the staff love him very much, as do I”.

Mrs May, who at 59 becomes the oldest incoming prime minister since Jim Callaghan in 1976, will then return to No 10 as the country’s second female prime minister, following in the footsteps of Margaret Thatcher. Mr Cameron did indeed cut the budget deficit; he did preside over a remarkable period of job creation; he did implement gay marriage (with Labour votes); and he did do an enormous amount to modernise his party and promote the cause of women and equality more widely during his 11 years as Conservative Party leader.

Larry the cat has a new Prime Minister to protect.

On his way out, Mr Cameron shook the hand of the Speaker of the House, John Bercow.

Earlier in the session, SNP Westminster leader Angus Robertson told Cameron that while they had political differences, he extended his “best personal wishes to the Prime Minister and to his family”.

“He’s reminding me of the black knight in Monty Python’s Holy Grail He’s been kicked so many times but he says, ‘Keep going, it’s only a flesh wound!'”

He dismissed suggestions he will look to take over as the host of Top Gear or England manager, joking they “sound even harder” than being PM.

West Oxfordshire association chairman David McFarlane said: “David Cameron has been as inspiring a Prime Minister as he has been member of Parliament for the Witney constituency – a statesman who has put the country first without for one moment losing sight of his constituency duties”.

Chris Hollis, from Hitchin, Hertfordshire, was inspired after he saw the footage on Monday during which an ITV microphone picked up the Prime Minister humming the tune.

Although the British economy has shrunk slightly on two occasions during Mr Cameron’s premiership, GDP growth has generally been positive, but modest.

Former shadow minister Owen Smith said Wednesday he will challenge embattled party leader Jeremy Corbyn and former Labour business spokeswoman Angela Eagle in the contest. You can achieve a lot of things in politics; you can get a lot of things done.


Cameron told The Daily Telegraph it had been “a privilege to serve the country I love”.

Cameron who has said he plans to continue as MP for Witney in Oxfordshire will face Prime Minister's Questions for the 182nd and final time as the PM- his 319th in total as Tory leader