
A double digit lead opens up in the Trump-Hillary presidential race

A new F&M College Poll shows Hillary Clinton is connecting with voters in Pennsylvania.


Analysts caution that a more accurate picture of the presidential race should develop once the potential polling effects of the parties’ conventions settle, but other surveys released since last week’s Democratic National Convention have likewise shown Mr. Trump trailing in key states such as Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and MI.

Clinton led Trump by four points, 43-39. Anthony Brooks from Here & Now contributor WBUR reports.

The WBUR/MassINC poll showed Clinton with strong support among Democratic voters, while Republican voters are more divided.

Clinton is winning in certain voting blocs, favored by women by 23 points (57-34 percent), blacks by 83 (87-4 percent), Hispanics by 48 (68-20 percent), and voters under 30 by 18 (49-31 percent). A month ago, Clinton was leading Trump by six points, 44 percent to 38 percent.

Fifty-eight percent of the voters surveyed thought Trump was not qualified to lead the country, lacking the temperament or knowledge to be president.

When it comes to Trump’s recent comments about the parents of a Muslim-American U.S. Army captain, 77 percent of voters are familiar with the feud between Trump and the slain soldier’s family.

Trump still has a lead over Clinton among veterans, 53-39 percent. When matched against Trump, one-on-one, Clinton’s lead grows to 17 points.


The tracking poll was conducted online by Ipsos for Reuters. “He’s now getting a bit less than two-thirds of the Republican vote”.

US President Barack Obama