
A Few Clips from The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2

The final installment of the “Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2” will be released on Friday in Los Angeles.


The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 now brings the franchise to its powerful fourth chapter in which Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) now fully realizes the stakes are no longer just for survival – they are for the future.

The girl on fire lit up the box office Thursday night, with The Hunger Games: Mockingjay earning $16 million in previews in the U.S. Another newcomer this weekend, STX’s Secret in Their Eyes took in $170,000. Yes, it’s solid enough, and a satisfying conclusion, but with all of that in mind, “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2” is also strictly by the book. This is where I’m going to get myself into trouble because, personally, I was expecting so much more. Even the big twist ending that those that have never read the book know nothing about you will see coming from a mile away. Along with Jlaw, Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson were on the promotional tour, too. The trouble is many members of the potential audience are just not that hungry for the games anymore. It was said that the way things ended in the books was deviated by the movie to the extent that “The Hunger Games” was a completely different adaptation from the book. Do a shot every time Katniss is knocked out and fights to regain consciousness and my guess is you’ll be just a shell-shocked as she is by the end of the movie. The crowd I saw the movie with clapped at the end. Then later in the week I saw this movie and it was also dark.


While the Oscar winning actress has played one of the leads in all the previous instalments, the upcoming film will draw the curtain on the “Hunger Games” series. “She went down and luckily no one saw because it was at the back of the theater…I picked her up, she now only has one heel so I’m walking her out”. This gave them the ability to go more over the top with a few of them and in turn give the film the much needed injection of life it needed for at least those brief moments. The first film does the best job of exploring society’s fascination with violence. The movie was filmed in Atlanta, and the city (with a few CGI magic of course) provided a setting that was equal parts handsome and unsettling. This movie has more jump scares than most modern horror flicks, and the majority of them come from dumb explosions.

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