
‘A hard PROBLEM’ Obama defends Syria strategy, tweaks Putin

The interview, which aired Sunday with “60 Minutes” anchor Steve Kroft, touched on a series of current events, with the highlight being a tense conversation between Kroft and the Commader-in-Chief regarding the USA strategy in Syria.


“In what way?” replies an angry president.

Kroft also asked Obama if he had any indication while meeting with Putin at the United Nations General Assembly that Russian Federation was going to launch airstrikes in Syria the following day, to which President Obama answered that there was “pretty good intelligence”. We’re the indispensable nation. In recognizing this failure, Obama is trying to take America off the neocon road to failure and more war.

The president questioned Putin’s leadership, saying: “My definition of leadership would be leading on climate change”. The two frequently talked over each other, with Kroft interrupting the president and calling the failed effort to train rebel fighters in Syria “an embarrassment”. He’s got people on the ground.

REUTERS/Larry DowningU.S. President Obama smiles during an exchange with a reporter after his end of the year press conference in the briefing room of the White House in Washington, on December. 19, 2014. Steve Kroft is either a neoconservative or he is inculcated into the neocon mind-set that the USA must prevail everywhere. Opposition forces on the ground have fought both Syrian government forces and the terrorist Islamic State group, also known as ISIS, which has captured territory in Syria and Iraq.

“One of the challenges that I’ve had throughout this heartbreaking situation inside of Syria is, is that you’ll have people insist that you know, all you have to do is send in a few, you know, truckloads full of arms and people are ready to fight”. Obama replied. “When I came into office, Ukraine was governed by a corrupt ruler who was a stooge of Mr. Putin”. And today, rather than being able to count on their support and maintain the base they had in Syria, which they’ve had for a long time. Obama added that Putin is devoting his troops to the region “to barely hold together…his sole ally”.


“I feel like I’m being filibustered, Mr. President”, Kroft retorted. The interview will be broadcast on 60 Minutes Sunday, October 11 at 7:30 p.m ET/PT.

Obama Gets 'Feisty' as Reporter Grills Him on Putin: 'He's Challenging Your