
A List Of The Things Hillary ‘Could Not Remember’ During FBI Interview

When the FBI released its notes on its investigation into Hillary’s use of a private email server on Friday it was discovered that she received an email from a State Department official that included a suspicious link, LawNewz reported. This FBI report will not help her make that case.


The specialist then used a program known as BleachBit to delete an unknown number of emails, according to the report. Clinton told investigators she “directed her legal team to assist in any way they could”.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell “warned Clinton that if it became “public” that Clinton had a BlackBerry, and she used it to ‘do business, ‘ her e-mails could become ‘official record (s) and subject to the law.”‘ He told her to be “very careful” using personal e-mail. But even this excuse is a lie because she would have received the briefings handling government records as secretary of state back in January-February 2009, when she assumed the office. “I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data”.

The FBI also noted that while it found no breach had been found in the former Secretary of State’s email service, it could not be completely ruled out as it was unable to acquire all devices that Clinton used during her tenure. Investigators also found multiple instances of phishing emails sent to Clinton’s account.

The documents also reveal that Clinton couldn’t remember State Department training or briefings retaining, categorizing, or storing information marked classified.

Mr Comey concluded that though Mrs Clinton and her staff had been “exceptionally careless” with classified information, there was no signs that she purposefully shared sensitive substance.

Friday’s release of internal investigative documents by the FBI was a highly unusual step, but one that reflects extraordinary public interest in the investigation into Clinton’s server.

With the facts uncovered in the Clinton email probe, such revelations are being leveraged by her opponents, just as the November 8 presidential polls draw near.

Amusing – she never said she could not remember the government briefings.

Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, declined to comment.

After the Federal Bureau of Investigation published additional documents on Friday, Hillary’s press secretary Brian Fallon said they were “pleased”.

There were 17,448 work-related emails that she didn’t turn over to the State Department.

An FBI policy paper explains that “the presence of recording equipment may interfere with and undermine the successful rapport-building interviewing technique which the FBI practices”.

“Either way it’s clear that, through her own actions, she has disqualified herself from the presidency”, he added.

Spokesmen for Clinton did not respond to questions about the concussion and other aspects of the FBI’s summary, but released a statement welcoming the summary’s release.

Ordinarily, internal documents from FBI investigations are not made public.

Again, Comey said Clinton’s statement was false. The State Department’s Inspector General later said this was not an appropriate way to preserve government records and that Clinton should have printed and filed work emails from her private server. The Democratic presidential nominee was interviewed about her use of private e-mail by FBI agents and federal prosecutors for 3 1/2 hours on July 2.

Abedin said under oath in the Judicial Watch civil case that Hillary Clinton used a private server to prevent personal emails from being accessible to Congress and other officials, acknowledging that she knew about the rogue off-the-books server system. The materials were presumably provided to James B. Comey, the Federal Bureau of Investigation director, who later chose to not recommend charges in the case.


“When confronted with the altered document, Clinton recognized the header and footer as indicating the presence of classified information, but she didn’t connect them to the “(C)” marking and said she didn’t think the email’s content was in fact classified.

ABC News