
A man who uses only his hands to extract venom from the snakes

Meet a ‘real risk taker’ who extracts venom from the snake using only his bare hands, nothing else.


According to the reports, the professional snake controller, Jim Harrison, yet have extracted venoms from millions of dangerous snakes including vipers and king cobras across the world.

They has the biggest collection of poisonous snakes (probably) of the worlds – at Kentucky Reptile Zoo.

One spokesman said that he each day barehanded search hundreds of the snakes and then extract its venom, which is later used for several purposes.

But this all is not easy, as he was bitten eight times by the snakes and the worst case occurred when he was bitten by a viper which left him in hospital for a month.

He said despite of danger he loves his work.


A man who uses only his hands to extract venom from the snakes