
A ‘reasonable’ case for charging Hillary Clinton

“They weren’t looking at it”. Check out Walt Handelsman’s view of Clinton sauntering unscathed past heavy falling objects; Lisa Benson’s view of the Clinton hot air balloon weighed down by her baggage and Dana Summers’ train wreck. “We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent”.


After further questions, Gowdy ended by saying, “this is really important”.

Family members of the dead heroes of Benghazi’s “13 Hours” say Clinton told them she would see to it that the creator of the anti-Islamic video that incited the mob that killed their sons would be run down, all the while knowing it had been a planned terrorist attack. Their vast carelessness drags down everyone around them, but they persevere, even thrive. And he portrayed her as a Luddite who lacks basic familiarity with the treatment of classified material and didn’t even have a computer in her office. If she were still at the State Department, she could be getting fired for being, as the Federal Bureau of Investigation director told Congress, “extremely careless” with top-secret information. Trump crowed to the New York Post, “I would rather face her than nearly anybody else”. But that “John Doe” employee would not be prosecuted; and if he or she had already left government service, the case would simply be dropped. The standard for criminality is higher for her and her family.

In 1996, The New York Times’ William Safire went over all of the statements Clinton had made in Whitewater and related scandals of Bill Clinton’s first term, compared them with subsequently revealed truth, and pronounced Hillary Clinton a “congenital liar”.

It’s no mere academic question: Do we believe in the rule of law anymore? Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the oversight panel, had said he and his Republican colleagues would “probably” accept his recommendation because “in all of government, he is a man of integrity and honesty”.

Clintons don’t get punished and they don’t apologize, either.

But so might many passages in Comey’s statement, if they are hammered home by Republicans.

Comey, who said on Tuesday he would not recommend that the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee face criminal charges, was asked at the hearing if Clinton should face administrative punishment for the way she handled her email. Clinton has said her use of a private email server was a mistake.

“The Petraeus case, to my mind, illustrates perfectly the kind of cases the Department of Justice is willing to prosecute”, Comey told the committee.

Whatever your politics may be, do you think it possible any halfway responsible person would not have sat back one day and asked herself what in the world she was doing?

The system is not rigged. And asked whether Clinton had lied to Congress, Fallon replied: “Of course not”. An indictment might have forced her out, leaving a Democratic National Convention scenario of nominating the socialist Bernie Sanders, or perhaps the best scenario for Democrats, enticing Vice President Joe Biden into the race. “But you refused, so now you are being summoned here to answer for your alleged transgressions”.


Of the 30,000 emails returned to the State Department after a slipshod sorting process by Clinton’s lawyers, 110 were determined to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received, including eight email chains with top secret information. The department had suspended its probe while it was waiting for the Justice Department to complete its criminal investigation.

Hillary Clinton's Non Indictment May Not Help Her