
A Third Of Labour Members Would Quit If Their Leadership Candidate Lost

Corbyn supporters say his regular presence on social media, along with the use of other technological innovations, helps him bypass a suspicious mainstream news media and could see a general election message delivered more effectively than polls suggest.


He also said that under his leadership, Labour would launch a public consultation to create a digital bill of rights, as well as requiring all publicly funded software and hardware to be released under an open source licence, allowing anyone to use it.

A summer coup by his colleagues and “Traingate” have done nothing to dampen down grassroots support for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who is set to win the leadership contest of his party with an increased mandate. Corbyn is now engaged in a leadership battle with challenger Owen Smith.

The survey, which is the first published of those entitled to vote, show Mr Corbyn on course to improve on his initial leadership race if undecideds are excluded.

In the former camp, 88 per cent back Corbyn; whilst for those who have been Labour members for longer, the popularity reversal puts Smith on 68 per cent to Corbyn’s 32 per cent.

Corbyn himself didn’t even bother to vote.

Speaking in Shoreditch, Mr Corbyn highlighted further technical innovations by his supporters, including a new canvassing app inspired by Bernie Sanders’ US presidential bid, which he will say is transforming grass-roots political engagement.

Corbyn’s support among those newer members is borne out by the fact the Smith only garnered 28% support among those who joined between May and September and 14% for those who signed up after September.

Smith, who backs having a rerun of the referendum on European Union membership, said there was a difference between the “lies” told by Leave campaigners earlier this year and pledges made by Labour ahead of 2014’s vote that haven’t been delivered, such as protecting Scotland’s European Union membership. This compares to 35% of all eligible Labour voters who felt Corbyn could lead the party to victory at the next election.

The victor of the upcoming contest will be revealed on 24 September, just before the start of the Labour party conference, where the victor will be introduced to delegates.


ED BALLS has taken a break from his busy schedule of Strictly Come Dancing rehearsals to waltz into the debate over the Labour leadership contest.

Why Ed Balls should stick to practising his dance moves