
A timeline of the shooting that left 3 officers dead

Officers and deputies from the Baton Rouge Police Department and East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office were involved in the Sunday morning shooting that took place less than 1 miles from police headquarters.


Three police officers were shot to death and three others wounded in Baton Rouge on Sunday, less than two weeks after a black man was killed by police in the Louisiana capital, sparking nationwide protests.

One of the Baton Rouge police officers killed in the shooting was 41 years old with just under one year of service, police said.

Police in Henderson are changing patrol practices in the wake of a shooting that killed three law enforcement officers in Baton Rouge. Long was a former Marine who spent time in Iraq and was discharged at the rank of sergeant in 2010, according to the USA military.

Last week, Obama attended the funeral of five law enforcement officers in Dallas who were gunned down during a protest march.

One suspect dead in Baton Rouge, others may be at large, sheriff’s official says.

One of the wounded officers “is in critical condition fighting for his life as we speak, [a] 41-year-old”, Edmonson said.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called the shooting of several law enforcement officers in Baton Rouge a “devastating assault”. Earlier reports had said authorities believed there might have been more than one attacker.

Three other law enforcement officers were injured.

“We as a nation have to be loud and clear that nothing justifies violence on law enforcement”, Obama said in televised remarks from the the White House.

Officers in Baton Rouge were responding to a call of a man carrying a gun when shots were fired at around 9 a.m. local time (1400 GMT). They say the men were dressed in all black, they changed clothes inside the store, then left in a silver Nissan with a Texas license plate. When police arrived, the shooting began.

At 3 p.m. Sunday, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards was joined by top officials for a press conference to release the latest information regarding a shooting. Coppola said he did not know what the mask looked like, but that it was “some type of mask to hide (the shooter’s) identity”.

Confronting another killing of police officers, President Barack Obama on Sunday urged Americans to tamp down inflammatory words and actions as a violent summer collides with the nation’s heated presidential campaign.

Two days after the Sterling shooting, a gunman ambushed police officers, killing five, during a demonstration triggered by Sterling’s death at the hands of police and that of another African-American man in Minnesota whose dying moments were captured in shocking video footage that went viral online.


Trump says in a statement posted on his Twitter and Facebook pages that “We grieve for the officers killed in Baton Rouge today”.

President Barack Obama speaks during a Diplomatic Corps