
A* to C pass rate in GCSE reaches record high

Schools around Derry have reported strong performances once again in this year’s GCSE results.


“The proportion of A* and A grades achieved, with almost 1 in 4 examination entries being at this level, is outstanding”, he said.

Some 19 per cent of all grades were A*-A.

“The percentage of students achieving five or more good passes, including English and Maths, has risen very significantly, with the percentage of those passing their English and Double Science GCSEs up by over 10 per cent in both subjects”.

Students across Harrow have spent the past few months nervously awaiting the release of their GCSE results, which were given out from 8am this morning.

“Three pupils gained a clean sweep of A* grades in 11 subjects, William Backhouse, Caitlin Brickley, and Tess Hovil”.

The drama and dance results are their best ever with 87% and 86% achieving A*-C respectively.

At Warneford School, in Highworth, 65 per cent of pupils achieved five or more GCSEs at grades A* to C including English and maths.

A couple of notable stand-out performers include Emily Staniland, who achieved seven A* and three A grades.

“I wish them all the very best of luck for the future, whatever their plans and ambitions”. The cohort worked extremely hard towards their exams and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them on their success.

St Bonaveture’s student, Norwyn Crame, 16, achieved four A*, 5 A and one B. He said: “I was shocked. One of the most important things at Hill House is that we want pupils to be well rounded individuals, and we are thrilled at these wonderful results from students who also contribute hugely to the local community”.

Headteacher Steven Mackay said that he was delighted with the results.


Mark Patton, Hartlepool Borough Council’s assistant director (education), said: “The town’s 16-year-olds have every reason to be proud of their achievements, which reflect a lot of hard work by themselves and by the staff in their schools”.

Sian Gabari Anna Barlow and Katie Bowen at Beaconsfield High School