
A Ton Of Women Are Still Undecided On Trump, Hillary

Clinton’s decline can also be attributed to the numerous scandals she faces including her ongoing email scandal, Benghazi blame, and questionable moves within the Cliton foundation. Thirty-three percent said they supported Clinton before the convention, but only 30 percent supported Clinton after the convention, a smaller number than Trump.


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a Democratic Party organizing event on July 25, 2016 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Donald Trump is leading Hillary Clinton in several new national polls published Monday, in the wake of the Republican National Convention.

That latter finding represents a six-point convention bounce for Trump, which are traditionally measured in two-way matchups.

In recent elections, conventions have rarely been turning points in the presidential election. Obama’s bump was smaller than John McCain’s in 2008, yet Obama won. Both he and Romney lost the election in November. Last time Al Gore and George W. Bush increased their support in a CNN poll both by eight points after conventions of their parties took place. “Trump has a real chance of becoming president, and although Clinton is still favored, she’s already had a bumpy ride”.

The race remains the same when the Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson is added.

The public rendered a split decision on whether the convention made them more or less likely to back Trump, 42 percent said more likely while 44 percent said less so, but the shift in voter preferences suggests the “more likely” side carried more weight. Clinton’s overall favorability rating is 31 percent and 65 percent among Democrats.

More than a half of respondents (52 percent) say Trump has no bad intentions and is running for the presidency for the good of the country.

The Republican National Convention has improved Pence’s standing among Republican voters. Seven percent of voters were still undecided.

It seems that the businessman’s current advantage is due to the support he received from independents though.

“Generations of American troops fought, and yes, died, to secure those bonds”, she went on, “because they knew we were safer with more friends and partners and fewer adversaries and enemies”.

Though there was some scuttlebutt yesterday that Bernie Sanders supporters want to push Tim Kaine from the Democratic ticket, Sanders and his team have disavowed the idea.

The Cleveland convention has strengthened the perception of party unity among Republicans, though many continue to see their party as divided. For Clinton, it’s 44 percent. Twenty percent said they didn’t know.


Meanwhile, more than two in three voters say they don’t think Clinton is honest and trustworthy, a new high in CNN/ORC polling. While 26 per cent hold an unfavourable view of Donald Trump, 72 per cent view him favourably.

CLEVELAND OH- JULY 21 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump delivers a speech during the evening session on the fourth day of the Republican National Convention