
ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel launches ‘campaign’ for veep

With the presidential contest on the Republican side now over and the Democratic race coming to a close, more attention is being paid to the potential vice presidential picks, and Jimmy Kimmel knows just the man for the job: Himself. Kimmel told his supporters.


Of course, those who are familiar with Kimmel’s humor should already know that the comedian is only poking fun at the current state of the country’s politics.

Another actor asked him why he was running for vice president instead of president. Season to date, Colbert leads, but he had the benefit of launching a new tenure at CBS’ “Late Show”, as well of millions of dollars in promotional campaigns. Unless Game of Thrones is on. I doubt Kimmel’s vice president bit was a one-time thing.

Following his speech, Kimmel spoke with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper, and Dana Bash about his plans for becoming Vice President and which policies he would enact. “I think it’s too late for anyone to do that” countered Kimmel.

In concluding the interview, Blitzer asked if Kimmel is making a mockery of the elections.

“Now, for those of you who think this is a joke – for those who say, “Oh, this is another prank by Jimmy Kimmel” – I can assure you, that bus I pulled up in was very expensive”, he said.

Ch-ch-check out the clips (below) to see Jimmy’s campaign take off!


Kimmel’s bid for Veep isn’t the first political maneuver by a late-night host.

Jimmy Kimmel Emmys host