
Abedin details Clinton email troubles in deposition

Another 165 pages of emails from her time at the State Department were released Monday, including almost three dozen that she failed to hand over a year ago, according to the Associated Press.


On Monday, Judicial Watch released a cache of emails between Abedin and Clinton, which the group’s president, Tom Fitton, said showed that Clinton “did not turn over all” records in her possession and raised questions about what other records should have been produced.

The deposition of one of Clinton’s top aides was part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch to release Clinton’s emails and look into her use of the server.

I remember just reaching out and saying, what should I do.

“I would imagine anybody who has personal e-mail doesn’t want that personal e-mail to be read by anybody else”.

Before providing her correspondence, Clinton and her lawyers withheld and subsequently deleted tens of thousands of messages that she claimed were personal, such as emails about her daughter’s wedding plans, family vacations, yoga routines and condolence notes.

“Let’s get [a] separate address or device but I don’t want any risk of the personal being accessible”, Clinton wrote, according to Bloomberg. The aide, who also had a private email account on Clinton’s home server, later gave her copies to the government.

As a result, Abedin recommended that Clinton consider getting a government email account that she could use alongside the personal system – an alternative that Abedin said was never implemented. But Clinton failed to turn over at least three dozen work-related emails, according to the agency.

“She wasn’t able to do her job, do what she needed to do”.

As part of the probe, Clinton turned over the hard drive from her email server to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Judicial Watch has also requested permission to interview Clinton herself.

Abedin’s name has surfaced in connection with numerous emails from Clinton’s server.

Judicial Watch questioned Abedin under oath.

New details have emerged in the email scandal that continues to haunt Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Of course, she should not have been doing government work on a private server that lacked proper safeguards, especially due to the nature of secret business she was conducting. But her spokesman has not provided a full explanation for all of the gaps. “The less charitable interpretation is that these emails were not helpful to Mrs. Clinton, so they were not turned over”.

Last month the State Department’s inspector general found that she would not have been approved to use a private email had she asked in the first place. The IG said emails were also missing that Clinton sent from the start of her term until April 12, 2009.

“15 additional emails that Clinton exchanged with informal adviser Sidney Blumenthal” were discovered after his email was hacked and turned over to the House Benghazi Committee.

Judicial Watch lawyers repeatedly pressed Abedin to explain Clinton’s concern that her emails might become public, but Abedin said what Clinton meant by “the personal” was not wanting her private personal emails being accessible.

A steady stream of internal State Department documents released in response to public records requests promises new revelations until Election Day about Clinton’s leadership of the department.

Democratic US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton addresses a “Hillary for America” rally in New York March 2, 2016.


Fernando could not be reached for comment.

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