
‘About 100 or more’ titles now in development for PlayStation VR

According to SuperData Director of Research Stephanie Llamas, who said: “Initially, affordable smartphone devices will drive the bulk of sales as consumers first explore virtual reality before committing to the more expensive platforms”. Europe is predicted to be the leading early adopter of VR with an estimated $1.9 billion in sales.


Sony’s PlayStation VR is expected to be released in the first half of 2016, but no word on price or ship date by the Japanese electronics giant.

So where does this leave the PlayStation VR?

That puts it at US$399 (RM1,729), the PlayStation 4’s launch price, in the same ballpark as both the Rift and Vive.

SuperData’s report covers all facets of virtual reality, suggesting that console VR will take up just 5% of the projected 38 million install base this year, compared to 7% for premium mobile VR, 17% for PC VR, and 71% for light mobile VR.

SuperData Research also conducted customer surveys, and according to their results, they expect the PlayStation VR to sell around 1.9 million units by the close of 2016, with a market share of 5%.

But while SuperData predicts that most of that will come from cheap mobile VR devices in 2016, it notes that the inevitable hype that will surround the launches of Oculus Rift and HTC Vive will fuel the market’s overall growth. If Harding-Rolls estimate plays out, the price will likely be more in the $400 to $550 range. Before getting to that point though, Hirai recognizes that they need to win over the gaming audience first. Do you think you’ll instead get an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive?

Each Oculus Rift headset ships with copies of Lucky’s Tale and Eve: Valkyrie, as well as an Xbox One controller, sensor and Oculus Remote, and is sure to convert many console players into PC users.


“Hardcore gamers are willing to spend 29 [percent] more than their casual counterparts due to their high engagement with gaming content”, the firm writes.
