
About 70 protesters arrested at Minnesota governor’s mansion

Protesters Arrested at Minn. A few days prior on July 18th, the street was cleared but the people returned Sunday to continue their demonstration.


Police in the USA state of Minnesota have arrested dozens of protesters participating in a rally over the killing of an African-American man by a police officer earlier this month. The struggle for the space in front of the governor’s mansion has been an ongoing battle between Minnesota police and protesters.

“The people were arrested after being told to disperse and stop blocking the sidewalk”, the St. Paul Police Department said in a statement.

Officers armed with riot gear arrested three to four people after they refused to move from the front gate of the Governor’s Mansion.

According to reports, the street of Gov. Mark Dayton’s residence, Summit Avenue, has become the center of protests ever since a video went viral of Castile bleeding out after being shot by police in nearby Falcon Heights. On Tuesday, the protestors were again told they had to leave, and many began to gather their belongings and leave, police spokesman Steve Linders said.


The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is investigating Castile’s death. After 24-year-old Jamar Clark was killed by Minneapolis police in November in an incident officers described as a scuffle, protesters surrounded a local police precinct office for weeks, leading to some violent interactions between demonstrators and police. The arrests began about noon Tuesday, after a protester allegedly pulled a “No Parking” sign from a curb. “They deserve to be out here”, Levy-Pounds said. Then later that month, Freeman declined to prosecute the two white police officers involved in Clark’s shooting.

Protesters stood outside the governor’s mansion in St. Paul Minn. Some were arrested some came back when police pulled back