
Accused Planned Parenthood shooter shouts ‘I’m guilty – I’m a warrior for the

Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting suspect Robert Dear, right, appears via video hearing during his first court appearance, where he was told he faces first degree murder charges, Monday, Nov. 30, 2015, in Colorado Springs, Colo.


Colorado Springs police have refused to discuss a motive for the fusillade, but there’s mounting evidence to suggest 57-year-old Dear was deeply concerned about abortion, having rambled to authorities about “no more baby parts” after his arrest.

Robert Lewis Dear made the comments Wednesday during a court hearing for prosecutors to announce charges filed against him. The Colorado Springs office was closed after a shooting there killed three people and wounded nine others the day after Thanksgiving.

Mr. Dear has been described by relatives and neighbors as a loner with an antigovernment worldview and has expressed extreme anti-abortion views, say an ex-wife and others.

Prosecutors have not said whether they will seek the death penalty.

The Kentucky native also alleged that his lawyer wants to drug him, because that’s what supposedly happened to Aurora movie theater shooter James Holmes under his representation. Dear’s next hearing will be held on December 23, to address his mental competency.

One of those killed was a police officer.

“Planned Parenthood and my lawyer are in cahoots to shut me up”. Planned Parenthood has said it has done nothing wrong and has said the videos were deceptively edited.

Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers said Monday that responding officers rescued 24 people from inside the clinic building and helped remove 300 people from surrounding businesses where they had been hiding while the shooting unfolded.

Anti-abortion groups, as well as many Republicans who oppose abortion, condemned the shooting and said they had no connection with accused attacker.

The cryptic message was a likely reference to Planned Parenthood’s practice of providing aborted fetal tissue for research purposes.

Suthers, who served as state attorney general and US attorney for Colorado before he was elected mayor in May, said he didn’t know whether the gunman was targeting officers.

“By and large, they go”, Heal said.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards added, “Words matter”.


He also said that King isn’t his lawyer and that he won’t see him again.

Robert Lewis Dear 57 accused of shooting three people to death and wounding nine others at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado last month attends his hearing to face 179 counts of various criminal charges at an El Paso County court in Colorado Spri