
Actually, Ted Cruz Does Want To Round Up Every Undocumented Immigrant

Cruz leads in Texas, Super Tuesday’s biggest prize and earned the governor’s endorsement, but Donald Trump, coming off a third consecutive win in Nevada, leads in many more Super Tuesday states and has made Cruz his primary target. In recent weeks, his silence had become more noticeable to Cruz supporters eager to see the senator shore up his home-state support with the clock ticking until its nominating contest. “And he’s the same Ted Cruz I served with when I was attorney general and Ted was solicitor general”, said Abbott. He’s the homestate favorite in Texas, but even a Texas win would be subject to spin. Ted Cruz, but it could push him to a much-needed decisive win in the Lone Star State.


Abbott met with at least two candidates: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who in March toured the border with Abbott, and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who visited the Governor’s Mansion in October. Monday he fired spokesman Rick Tyler over posting an inaccurate video of Rubio.

What looked like a three-candidate race coming out of SC looks more like a two-person race in Texas, with Cruz and Trump nearly certainly in position to split the state’s 155 Republican delegates.

Cruz tried to address the Trump threat.

The road to the White House is swinging through Houston ahead of Thursday night’s debate.

Cruz responded to Trump’s newest remarks by saying that they show how “rattled” he is.

“Today is one of the greatest honors”, Cruz said. Trump’s voters said “improve the economy” and “reform immigration policy” were their top reasons for voting.

Cruz’s strategy has been thrown into question after failing to sufficiently consolidate evangelical support in Nevada and especially in SC, a state with a similar ideological profile to the others he’s hoping to win. That flipped among post-graduates: Rubio got 35 percent, while Cruz and Trump each got 20 percent.

Goldford added, “Cruz also is not a likable figure – widely despised in Washington as a self-promoter by members of his own party”.

But Cruz has Texas, where he sealed an unlikely victory in 2012 to the Senate as a first-time political candidate against the state’s lieutenant governor.


Abbott will formally back Cruz at an event Wednesday at 1 Houston, campaign officials said, just six days before what is expected to be a competitive race with Donald Trump in Texas. “Nobody is less enthusiastic for Ted here”, she said in an interview.