
Adele: ‘I cried pretty much all day’ after the Grammys

On today’s episode of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show”, singer Adele opens up about her recent Grammys performance, which was plagued by sound issues.


“I actually felt like it went well”, Adele told Ellen, joking that she’s “always a bit pitchy” because of the intense emotion she puts into her performances. “I kept spontaneously bursting into tears yesterday for no reason”.

According to Adele, the microphone fell onto the piano strings during the post-sound check commercial break, making the “guitar noise”.

“Some people thought it was Justin Bieber rehearsing, but it wasn’t him”. I was really emotional, and just (my son) believing and me believing that they were all real. Why did Adele sound off? She heard immediately that the piano mic had fallen on the strings, and wanted to turn and lift it up, but froze.

Oh, Adele. I’m pretty sure the world would forgive you in a heartbeat and love you even if you suddenly decide to try out a new career in insider trading or something. I woke up the next morning to people being like, ‘We still love you, dont worry. I didnt ask you if you still loved me, but thanks. Watch the full clip, above, then watch Adele order some Jamba Juice and eat grass with some help from Ellen (in her ear). “Next time I have any sound issues, I am going to stop”. “If we have time to do it again, let’s do it, otherwise, bye!”

But at least Adele was in a good mood during her visit to DeGeneres’ show. “But because it was TV that’s why I couldn’t make the disaster my own”. I’m treating myself to an in n out.


“When we switched over to the backup system, it had to drop out for a few seconds”, Portnow continued backstage at the Staples Center of Adele’s technical issues. “I don’t think it could go that much worse than the Grammys though, so I feel like I am all right now”.

Adele performs “All I Ask” and “When Were Young” on Ellen — watch