
‘Affluenza’ mom indicted on charges she helped son flee

She’s charged with hindering the apprehension of a felon and money laundering, but the details about the money laundering charge have not yet been released.


He was initially sentenced to ten years probation and a year of court-ordered rehab, which it has since been revealed to have cost taxpayers $200,000 because his parents could not afford to pay.

A grand jury on Thursday indicted Tonya Couch, the mom accused of helping the so-called “Affluenza teen” Ethan Couch escape to Mexico while on probation after a deadly drunken-driving crash.

News 8 has learned that a Tarrant County grand jury has indicted Tonya Couch on two charges.

Attorney Don Carter said he had no comment on the indictments because he had just started representing Couch. According to reports, Couch “withdrew $30,000 from a bank account and then fled across the border with her then 18-year-old son Ethan in December”. One of the clauses of the probation is to prohibit himself from drinking alcohol.

In April, Ethan Couch’s case was moved from juvenile to adult court and state district judge Wayne Salvant sentenced him to 720 days, 180 days for each of the four people killed in his drunk driving accident, noted the Morning News.

Ethan’s father, Fred Couch, is also battling his own legal troubles. While prosecutors investigated that video, law enforcement officials believe that the teen and his mother fled to Mexico.

He is known as the “affluenza” teen because during his trial, his defense attorney claimed his affluent upbringing prevented him from understanding his responsibility in the crash.

While there, Couch made repeat visits to a “sex club” called Harem where he was allegedly spotted snorting cocaine and guzzling Pacifico beers – running up a $2,000 tab, which he was forced to ask his mother to settle.

The mother of Ethan Couch has been indicted on two criminal charges related to his absconding from authorities previous year before he was caught in Mexico.

Mexican authorities found them at a Pacific resort town.

Ethan Couch attended a hearing in February.

Tonya Couch was returned to North Texas and placed under house arrest after posting a $75,000 bond.


They include banning him from driving or being around alcohol, pot or other controlled substances.

Tonya Couch the mother of'affluenza teen Ethan Couch was released from the Tarrant County Jail in January