
After A Rough Week, Trump Course Corrects On Immigration

While the two were combatting over whether he is a racist, Trump appeared to be weighing what could be a major shift on his hardline stance on immigration, floating a possible process to allow undocumented immigrants to remain in America.


Trump vows to begin deportations immediately if sworn in was posted in World of TheNews International – on August 28, 2016 and was last updated on August 28, 2016.

Krikorian, who said he attended a meeting with Trump and others recently focused on foreign policy, blamed Trump’s new advisers for his change in rhetoric. “He’s not met with the mothers of children who have been slain and killed from violence in the country as Hillary Clinton has done”. Just what I have been saying.

He was referring to the shooting death on Friday of Nykea Aldridge during an exchange of gunfire between two men as she pushed a baby stroller in Chicago.

In a Fox News interview Wednesday, Trump expressed openness to being flexible about who he would deport, suggesting he might offer exemptions for those who have no criminal records and agree to pay back taxes. All the architects on left and right have failed that city. “We will use immigration law to prevent crimes”.

Trump made a stark pitch earlier this month to African-American voters in MI, saying of voting for him: “What the hell do you have to lose?”.

Trump’s campaign projected its interest in courting support from minority voters. A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows Clinton beating Trump 91%-1% among African-Americans.

After a turbulent week, Donald Trump is trying to refocus his position on one of his campaign’s tentpole issues: immigration.


“After 15 months of denigrating every nonwhite minority in sight, it’s hard to believe that he can actually do significantly better among nonwhites”, Ayres recently told National Public Radio.
