
After Dalai Lama Met Lady Gaga, China Warns of His Motives

The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibetan Buddhism gave Sunday’s keynote address at the United States Conference of Mayors gathering in Indianapolis.


The Dalai Lama, Lady Gaga and billionaire businessman Philip Anschutz addressed around 200 mayors about the importance of kindness in today’s world.

Asked about the Dalai Lama’s meeting with Lady Gaga, Hong said: “We hope that people from the global community can be fully aware of his true colors and nature”.

The 84th annual Conference of Mayors took place on Sunday, June 26 in Indianapolis, Indiana, and wound up bringing together the Dalia Lama and Lady Gaga, who asked the Tibetan leader questions that were submitted via social media. “Once [a] tragic situation happens, not avoid – look at more deeply, widely”, he said. If you would like to discuss another topic, look for a relevant article.

“I’m one 81-year-old person with quite a lot of experiences”. If you look real closely, it appears unbearable. As for meditating, Gaga does it, and so does His Holiness. “But if you look widely, [you see] other positive things there”. However, “I am a poor practitioner of meditation”. He also said humans pay too much attention to materialistic things. Keeping a calm mind in the face of difficulty, he said, is important.

The Indianapolis Star reports ( ) the Dalai Lama noted the USA has always been at the forefront of technological and scientific innovation.


Of course, this is not the first time Lady GaGa’s music has been banned from the country.

Dalai Lama urges compassion, touches on gun control at State Fairgrounds