
After Khan’s speech, pocket Constitution sales up

The Republican presidential nominee has been embroiled in a conflict with the elder Khan after he appeared at the Democratic National Convention last week, prompting Trump to contact Republican elected officials asking for help amid internal criticism from the party. Trump has spoken out against the speech.


Said U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Cortez: “Every man and woman who serves and the military families who sacrifice so much deserve our gratitude and respect”. She was not silenced by some Islamic misogyny, as Trump seemingly implied, but rather by her own grief.

Trump has previously said McCain shouldn’t be regarded as a war hero for being imprisoned in Vietnam, saying “I like people who weren’t captured”.

“I think that is very important”, Coffman said at the time. “Captain Khan was one such courageous example”, Ryan said. During the speech, Ghazala Khan stood quietly by his side. “While our Party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us”, McCain said in a statement. “That is not true”, she wrote.

Late Monday, some Gold Star families called on Trump to apologize to the Khans.

Few have specifically condemned Trump, whose proposal to temporarily ban Muslim immigration to the USA was at the heart of Khizr Khan’s speech. Mac Thornberry of Clarendon, said in a prepared statement that he is “dismayed at the attacks Khizr and Ghazala Khan have endured after they spoke about their son’s service and sacrifice”.

In the interview aired on Sunday morning on ABC’s “This Week”, Trump cast doubt on why Khan’s wife did not speak.

“His wife, if you look carefully, his wife was just standing there”.

“The Khan family has chosen to promote their religion and promote freedom for people in the religion in their country from their son’s sacrifice”, he said, “and I think that’s a attractive thing”.

Now, the IN family of Private First Class Steven Sirko, who was killed IN Iraq IN 2005, is responding – joining 22 other Gold Star Families to call for an apology. “Am I not allowed to respond?” he asked.

“This candidate amazes me – his ignorance”.


The Republican presidential nominee is locked in a feud with Khizr and Ghazala Khan, whose son was killed in Iraq by a suicide bomber in 2004.

US Constitution sales soar after Trump challenge