
After Thanksgiving Day Start, Black Friday Shoppers Take to Stores

Walters said she has always taken advantage of Black Friday deals to complete her Christmas shopping, but this year was the first year she ventured out early – after her turkey dinner.


Police in Lancaster city, East Lampeter Township and West Hempfield Township reported no problems overnight or this morning resulting from Black Friday shoppers.

When will stores be opening on Thanksgiving and Black Friday? And years later, they still insist on the deep discounts they got used to retailers offering during the recession.

The National Retail Federation estimates almost 136 million people to shop over the weekend, up from under 134 million past year.

There is a new kind of Black Friday for some stores and shopping centers. That’s keeping the mall and stores very busy as people rush to get the best deals on the items on the top of their lists. She recently bought a new auto, refrigerator, dishwasher and two vacuums through early-bird holiday deals at stores.

Of course, the hours will vary by store, but Walmart will be open until midnight on Black Friday, with Target letting shoppers in until 11 p.m., with both stores having opened their doors beginning on Thanksgiving night. “I got a Barbie”. At Academy Sport and Outdoors, after doors opened at 5 a.m., there was a steady flow of foot traffic, too. Even though the mall may be crowded – they say that’s part of the fun.

State officials say more folks are avoiding the crowds and shopping online, and they’re not waiting for Cyber Monday. “Then, we chose to go to Dolphin Mall and finish our shopping”.


Retailers are looking at the holiday season as more of a marathon than a one-day sprint, said Amy Koo, an analyst with the business consulting firm Kantar Retail. Some shoppers enjoy it for more than just the savings, however, and that’s what keeps them coming back each year.

Biggest shopping day of the year gets underway - live