
After Trump stunt, Graham sets phone on fire

The National Border Patrol Council Local 2455’s President Hector Garza said in the statement today that it has decided to “pull out of” any Trump related events.


“Mr. Trump did say four times that McCain was a war hero and again”, Sean Van Anglen, a Republican, said, adding that “the media and everyone is only playing that one clip”.

Trump said that prompted him to reveal Graham’s number.

Through all this, Trump has rapidly risen to the lead in polls of the 16-person Republican presidential field.

“Donald Trump’s candidacy is a cancer on conservatism, and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded”, Perry said, in particularly harsh remarks on Wednesday.

He ruffled the feathers of the Republican establishment and turned nearly all his presidential rivals against him, thanks to incendiary rhetoric.

“We’re watching career politicians throw away our kids” future through bankrupting public budgets and ripping open our porous borders which, obvious to all us non-politicians, puts us at great risk”, she said.

Donald Trump toured the Texas-Mexico border on Thursday to condemn illegal immigration and court Latino voters, but ignited fresh controversy as border agents boycotted his visit.

“I employ thousands and thousands of Hispanics”, he said. “It is important for us to have a presidency that restores dignity and class to the White House, and I don’t believe that some of the language that Mr. Trump is employing is worthy of the office”.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told MSNBC on Thursday: “I think he’s sort of a political vehicle wreck where people slow down and watch”.

Controversial presidential candidate Donald Trump will visit the Mexican border.

But it was only after Trump slammed John McCain as a NON-war hero (because he got captured, d’uh!) that his fellow Conservative hopefuls finally started to turn against him.

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a day earlier, addressed the Trump feud nearly serenely, expressing confidence the primary campaign would “get beyond the novelty of a reality TV star”.

The nickname for this and similar organizations sprung from members’ responses to questions about their activities: “I know nothing”.

“Donald Trump’s record on border security is non-existent at best and a farce at worst”, said Perry.

Trump gave out Graham’s private cell phone number and urged attendees to call it.

McCain sparked Trump’s temper last week when the senator said the businessman’s inflammatory remarks about Mexican immigrants had brought out the “crazies”. It is the willingness to say things the way that he sees them and not having to caveat, water down or dance around his take that is appealing to many.


“It’s wrong”, Haley said Tuesday during a Republican governors forum at the Aspen Institute in Aspen, Colorado. He said Graham had given him the number several years ago.

Trump riles rival by giving out his mobile number at rally