
After turmoil, Sanders, Michelle Obama, Warren thrill convention

She would have been happier with Sen.


In an interview with NBC, Lester Holt asked Sanders why there was a chorus of boos on the first day of the Democratic National Convention – aimed at both Sanders and Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonConventions giving us best political drama in decades Wasserman Schultz’s real DNC legacy is a modernized party Poll: Small convention bump for Trump MORE and their supporters.

For Democrats who spent last week throwing stones at Republicans’ troubled convention in Cleveland, the scene was a painful reminder of their own glass house. They accused Russian Federation of trying to meddle in the US election and favoring GOP nominee Donald Trump. The uproar led to the forced resignation of party chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. He started right off attacking Trump in his initial speech as the vice presidential candidate. That makes the convention a critical opportunity for a party to introduce its candidates to the country. “I want to support Bernie, but I also want to voice my displeasure with the Democratic Party”.

The growing crowd of about 600 made its way from City Hall toward the convention site, 4 miles away in south Philadelphia. The arena has been transformed with stages, platforms, cameras and lights.

So far they have no alternative candidate. Among the delegates, about 15 percent are superdelegates, mainly members of Congress and members of the Democratic National Committee.

The convention was rocked Sunday before it even began by fallout from 19,000 hacked Democratic National Committee emails published online, some suggesting the party favored Clinton over Sanders in the primary.

Kenny Madden, a Sanders delegate from Kentucky, said he doesn’t “think there can be anything Bernie can say that will bring people together”.

Discussions between the Clinton and Sanders camps prompted him to send emails and text messages to supporters asking them not to protest. In fact, Clinton might need to rely on fear of a Trump presidency to get the progressive vote at all. A day later, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden come to Philadelphia.

But Kaine’s other assets apparently assuaged that trepidation, and he gave a triumphant, bilingual speech during his first public appearance with Clinton as her chosen No. 2 in Miami Saturday. Al Franken as her running mate, but he’s pleased with Kaine.

Other scheduled speakers are Massachusetts Sen.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., speaks at the National Council of La Raza Hispanic conference at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla., on Saturday, July 23, 2016. Cory Booker, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

The statement wasn’t signed by the outgoing DNC head, Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Fergie will perform at The Creative Coalition’s gala.

Sanders has endorsed Clinton, but his delegates are pushing for a state-by-state tally.

Solomon said he believes a “vast majority” of Sanders delegates support these kinds of protests to express their dismay.

Roll call for delegates to formally select a nominee is set for Monday.

While her ouster was a major victory for Sanders, it wasn’t enough to ease the frustration of his supporters.

“It’s a privilege and honor to represent Bernie delegates in Virginia”.


“A compromise of this nature is something we take very seriously, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation will continue to investigate and hold accountable those who pose a threat in cyberspace”, it said.

The most powerful force in American politics today: Anti-establishment fury at a rigged system